ECTS transfer

HASVS applies the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System as a means of promoting student mobility, comparing study programs, and recognizing the achieved results and acquired qualifications. The credit value of each subject is expressed by the appropriate number of ECTS credits, while the scope of the study program is expressed by a set of compulsory and elective subjects in the study program and student practice. Between different study programs within the same cycle and type of study, ECTS credits can be transferred, and the criteria and conditions for transferring ECTS credits are prescribed by the general act of the School, or by bilateral agreements of higher education institutions. Study programs of undergraduate vocational studies at HASVS last six semesters and they carry a total of 180 ECTS credits. The average number of credits per semester is 30 ECTS. Master professional studies last four semesters and they carry 120 ECTS.

Methodology for assigning ECTS at HASVS:

In one school year, a student acquires 60 ECTS. The total student engagement consists of active teaching (lectures, exercises, etc.), independent work, colloquiums, exams, final papers, voluntary work organized by HASVS in the local community and of significance for the development of the local community, and other forms of engagement (work in the School bodies, practice, etc.).


By completing the pre-examination and examination obligations, a student can earn a maximum of 100 points. The number of points earned through pre-examination and examination activities is determined for each individual subject. Pre-examination obligations carry at least 30 and maximum 70 points.

ECTS grading scale:



8 (C)-GOOD,



5 (F)-FAIL

More details about ECTS credits transfer can be found on our website in RULEBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OF STUDENTS AND STAFF AND TRANSFER OF ECTS CREDITS (Internationalization – section Documents).